blog post

How to Prepare Your Screen Enclosure for Hurricane Season

Daniel K
May 14, 2024

How to Prepare Your Screen Enclosure for Hurricane Season

Living in hurricane-prone areas means taking proactive steps to protect your home and outdoor structures. Screen enclosures, while providing numerous benefits, can be vulnerable to the high winds and heavy rains of a hurricane. In this post, we'll provide tips on how to prepare your screen enclosure for hurricane season to minimize damage and ensure its durability.

1. Inspect for Damage

Before hurricane season begins, thoroughly inspect your screen enclosure for any existing damage. Look for loose or torn screens, rusted frames, and any weak points that could be exacerbated by strong winds. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent further damage and strengthen your enclosure against the storm.

2. Reinforce the Frame

Reinforcing the frame of your screen enclosure can provide additional stability and support. Check all the connections, screws, and bolts to ensure they are tight and secure. Consider adding extra braces or supports to areas that may be more susceptible to wind damage. Reinforcing the frame can help your screen enclosure withstand the forces of a hurricane.

3. Remove Loose Items

Loose items within and around your screen enclosure can become projectiles during a hurricane, causing damage to the structure and potentially harming people or property. Remove any furniture, plants, and decorative items from the enclosure and store them in a safe place. Clearing the area reduces the risk of damage from flying debris.

4. Secure Doors and Windows

Ensure that all doors and windows within your screen enclosure are securely closed and latched. If your enclosure has removable screens or panels, consider taking them down and storing them safely until the storm passes. Securing doors and windows helps prevent wind and rain from entering the enclosure and causing damage.

5. Trim Surrounding Vegetation

Trim any trees, bushes, or plants that are close to your screen enclosure. Overhanging branches can break off during high winds and cause significant damage to the screens and frame. Keeping the surrounding vegetation well-trimmed reduces the risk of branches and debris damaging your enclosure during a hurricane.

6. Install Hurricane Shutters or Panels

If you live in an area prone to severe hurricanes, consider installing hurricane shutters or panels for added protection. These can be placed over the screens and windows of your enclosure to shield them from wind and debris. Hurricane shutters provide an extra layer of defense, helping to preserve the integrity of your screen enclosure.


Preparing your screen enclosure for hurricane season involves inspecting for damage, reinforcing the frame, removing loose items, securing doors and windows, trimming surrounding vegetation, and installing hurricane shutters or panels. By taking these proactive steps, you can minimize the risk of damage and ensure that your screen enclosure remains intact and functional during and after the storm.

Keywords: hurricane season, screen enclosure preparation, storm protection, outdoor safety